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Den Kaltix-Referenzen in diversen Scripten zufolge dürfte die Akquisition (2003-10-01-gooix) zumindest experimentelle Früchte getragen haben: Google Personalized. Die profilgenerierende Formularausfüllerei ist allerdings ein gewichtiger Hemmschuh in mehrerlei Hinsicht (static profiles, what the heck?) — und dass die "personalisierten" Resultate tatsächlich relevanter wären könnte ich nach einem ersten Test-Drive auch nicht behaupten ... On va voir.RDF Schema vs. DAML+OIL vs. OWL: A Comparison. Topic Maps und RDF: Living with 'em (by Lars Marius Garshol). "For someone looking into topic maps and RDF today the similarities between them are obvious, and it may appear absurd that users should be forced to choose between two technologies that to them must seem almost indistinguishable." "[I]t wasn't before early 1999 that the two communities started to become aware of one another, and by that time it was already too late." "The concept of reification has had the misfortune to have had stuck onto it a rather intimidating name [...]" "RDF Schema is relatively simple, and allows the definitions of two kinds of things: classes and properties. Both may be assigned a label and a comment as documentation. Classes may have superclasses, and properties may have domains (the allowed classes of subjects) and a range (the allowed class of the object). There are a few more features in RDF Schema, but this is the heart of it." |
GET YOUR MOVE ON ALMOST ALL ABOUT YOU So log in, fella — or finally get your account. You always wanted one. Nearby in the temporal dimension: Nobody. ... and 241 of the anonymous kind. Click on for a moderate dose of lcom-talk. This will probably not work in Lynx and other browser exotica. THIS DAY IN HISTORY 2007 / 2004 / 2002 BACKLINKS none RECENT EDITS (MORE) films-seen Blood Stone y!kes wet towel B Studio Pilcrow News Nastassja Kinski 2011-10-06-steve 2011-10-06 comment-2011-08-04-1 POWERED BY &c. GeoURL RSS 0.92 FRIENDLY SHOPS Uncut Games bei Gameware OFFEN! Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG: Christian Langreiter, Langkampfen See also: Privacy policy. |