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Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2002 "Clusters are becoming an increasingly common way to perform supercomputer tasks on the cheap. Simply hook up a bunch of off-the-shelf computers and set them to work in parallel on complex problems. Most clusters are based on Pentium machines that run Linux. But according to Dauger, Linux clusters require a PhD to set up and to run. By contrast, Mac clusters are so easy to make, even 11-year-olds can do it. "There's a book called How to Build a Better Beowulf that's 230 pages long and tells you how to set up clusters with Linux," Dauger said. "We have a one-page manual (PDF) that shows you how to do it on PowerMacs. We've had high school students do it. We've had junior high school students do it. We even had a sixth grader in Hawaii do it." — Thanks, Stefan! Oh! That was the reason why Radio just didn't work as I, uhm, expected the first few days ... — "Lawrence Lee, who works at Userland and maintains the incomparably excellent Tomalak's Realm heard about my troubles with Radio and suggested I made sure http://localhost:5335/system/pages/ setupRadio was running on a browser after I started the system. This actually worked (thanks Lawrence!) but note how this problem KILLS the customer experience. If, for some reason, a browser pointed to that URL does not appear after starting Radio then the product appears utterly useless for that user. It's very tough for Userland to recover from that error and keep the trial user. Others have emailed me reporting similar experiences." Reportedly, "Kazaa is about 25% of [create Internet2] traffic, making it the largest application." — Es wundert mich gar nichts mehr — Dave Winer hört beim Programmieren Falco. In der Serie "Oh, J2EE sucks!" heute: "As an architect, I've been in 5 projects in the last 2.5 years where EJBs were on the table, and in every case but one there have been overwhelming reasons to avoid getting involved with that kind of technology. And in the remaining case, it was already live when I came on board but thankfully the designer had not used Entity Beans, which made it almost tolerable. "In the last project (a major customer-care callcenter app), they had used Entity Beans, and Websphere, and there were 500 EJBs, and 4700 distinct application classes. It took 2 days of continuous processing just to 'deploy' the beans, and I was called in when they found they couldn't meet adequate performance." — Ach! [ Ø HNS • ] no comments Please log in (you may want to register first) to post comments! |
GET YOUR MOVE ON ALMOST ALL ABOUT YOU So log in, fella — or finally get your account. You always wanted one. Nearby in the temporal dimension: Nobody. ... and 159 of the anonymous kind. Click on for a moderate dose of lcom-talk. This will probably not work in Lynx and other browser exotica. THIS DAY IN HISTORY 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2002 BACKLINKS none RECENT EDITS (MORE) films-seen Blood Stone y!kes wet towel B Studio Pilcrow News Nastassja Kinski 2011-10-06-steve 2011-10-06 comment-2011-08-04-1 POWERED BY &c. GeoURL RSS 0.92 FRIENDLY SHOPS Uncut Games bei Gameware OFFEN! Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG: Christian Langreiter, Langkampfen See also: Privacy policy. |