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Mittwoch, 14. August 2002 Gobe Productive to go open source? "It's everything that OpenOffice isn't [...]"In den refs zeigen sich milde Spuren eines kleineren Slashbebens.What's Thinlet? — "Thinlet is a GUI toolkit, a Java class which parses the hierarchy and properties of the GUI, handles user interaction, and calls business logic. Separates the graphic design (described in an XML file) and the application methods (written as Java source)."The inventors of object-oriented programming ([create OOP] — Simula) and Turing Award winners Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard have both died within a month and a half. Ole-Johan Dahl, † [create 2002-06-29] Kristen Nygaard, † [create 2002-08-09], in memoriam Alan Kay: "After the HOPL conference, Kristen stopped by and I gave him the same [Smalltalk] demo. What a difference! He not only understood everything I said, but often told me what I was going to show him next. He had been thinking about further steps and he was completely thrilled to see many of these ideas already in Smalltalk. We were great friends from that day onwards. I have given many thousands of demos in the last 40 years, but that was the one that meant the most to me." Why Kristen Nygaard spearheaded the Norwegian "No-to-EU" ( movement."[John Carmack] himself feels that his real innovations peaked with [create Quake] in 1996. Everything since, he says, is essentially refining a theme.""So again the question is 'What exactly is hindering a wider acceptance of SAP DB in Free/Open Software projects?'" Semi-official answer by Daniel Dittmar.
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GET YOUR MOVE ON ALMOST ALL ABOUT YOU So log in, fella — or finally get your account. You always wanted one. Nearby in the temporal dimension: Nobody. ... and 241 of the anonymous kind. Click on for a moderate dose of lcom-talk. This will probably not work in Lynx and other browser exotica. THIS DAY IN HISTORY 2005 / 2003 / 2002 BACKLINKS none RECENT EDITS (MORE) films-seen Blood Stone y!kes wet towel B Studio Pilcrow News Nastassja Kinski 2011-10-06-steve 2011-10-06 comment-2011-08-04-1 POWERED BY &c. GeoURL RSS 0.92 FRIENDLY SHOPS Uncut Games bei Gameware OFFEN! Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG: Christian Langreiter, Langkampfen See also: Privacy policy. |