Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2002
"Oh, yeah; that one slipped past me when I was twelve, too. Fortunately my older brother pointed it out between innings of stickball and my academic career was saved."Wann wohl die ersten Antville-Logs auf eBay versteigert werden werden?
| David Ness 8134 days AGO I guess worrying about this all belongs in the `I don't get it' file. Just who is supposed to think that `ads' represent some ultimate truth anyway? I've seen more than 50 years of ads on TV and have never, for even one minute, cared if James Garner really used a Polaroid Camera, or if he was married to Mariette Hartley (they were a popular couple on ads here a decade or more ago, and they weren't married---at least to one another). Or am I supposed to think that Tony Hawke (in the Apple ads), as much as I wouldn't challenge him on a skateboard, has an opinion about computers that I am supposed to care about? I don't care if the people in Apple or MS or any other ads are real anyway. No `authority' is lent to any issue by random people who have no `weight' whatever side. Does it matter if the `switch' ads are all first takes, written completely by the people making them? Not to me, at least no more than I care about the view of some `citizen on the street' about whether we should attack Iraq. PR is PR. Ads are Ads. Don't be surprised if the local hangout that has the `World's Best Coffee' sign serves stuff that any Espresso drinker would regard as better used for washing dishes. |
| chris 8134 days AGO I'm not sure anyone is "worrying" at all. Call me easy to entertain, but I sure find it (the sheer unprofessionalism and gross tastelessness pervading MS' marketingspeak) amusing. |
| David Ness 8134 days AGO We (you and I) clearly don't have an argument. The `worrying' was/is being done by `The Register' and others who think there is any news in this. Where we may differ is with respect to `unprofessionalism'. Do you expect advertising people to be `professional'? I guess I only expect the classic professions to be `professional' (and I'm disappointed often enough even there). I don't ever expect PR people, Advertising people, Journalists or Used Car Salesmen to be `professional' in any important sense. And I guess I find it more `tasteless' to use unimportant real people to make an argument (person-ographic arguing) than an artificial composite. I must say that I've learned a great deal more from many `artificial' characters in great works of literature than from `real' testimony by tedious `real' people. But that's probably just one of my (many) odd quirks... |
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