Montag, 13. Oktober 2003
Joel Spolsky: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Certainly the best introduction to that semi-mess I've ever come across.
| andi 7772 days AGO i guess joel never did more with unicode-data than displaying it. otherwise i don't know why he thinks this is sooo easy.. especially not if you work with non-english languages. |
| chris 7772 days AGO can you expand some more?
btw, I think there's a reason he included "absolute minimum" in the title ;-) |
| hns 7771 days AGO Or you could just use Java. |
| rainman tsr 7771 days AGO "I should warn you that if you are one of those rare people who knows about internationalization, you are going to find my entire discussion a little bit oversimplified."
pointless... |
| David Ness 7771 days AGO Joel's piece has good and bad features. I suppose the simple-minded explanation may be necessary---and mildly informative---but he surely brushes under the rug most of the complexity of encoding issues. Things like ligatures represent complexities in encoding that arise well _before_ we have even started to concern ourselves with the even greater complexity of internationalization. These issues have considerable depth. They are decidedly _not_ simple. Thus, on balance, I find his piece more misleading than helpful. |
| chris 7771 days AGO a kind of roadmap to more encompassing enlightenment at the end of that introductory article wouldn't be a bad idea. david, do you know of any resources that go beyond joel's article, while at the same time being similarly readable? or is the only option to get the tome? |
| David Ness 7771 days AGO I'll see if I can think of one. For example, TeX's need for virtual fonts suggests some of the depth of the problem. My principal argument was with Joel's (in my view incorrect) idea that ultimately this is pretty simple. I think that's wrong. The TeX people have been grappling with the issue unsatisfactorily (again in my view) for more than 20 years (since TeX `82 at least) and while there's only one Knuth, this means that many pretty good minds have been hitting their heads on the wall over this one for decades and still there are important problems to solve. |
| manuel 7769 days AGO Ich finde die hier ganz gut:
UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ for Unix/Linux http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
Hello World... http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/utf.html |
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