Montag, 13. Februar 2006
Cosma Shalizi: "[...] [E]ven the social sciences typically won't touch anything above 5%."Andreas Weigend bei Maischberger. Thema: Der gläserne Bürger.
Morgen, 22:45, ARD.If you haven't already, go and read Simon Willison et al.'s notes from the Future of Web Apps Summit.
Joshua Schachter: "But make them do something." [create Cal Henderson]: "listing who your enemies were was dropped"
| slauti 6886 days AGO The Schachter notes are a very good recommendation. Reading them upside down it first made me pretty happy. As if we had worked by 2 thirds of these notes and then eliminated many of the early mistakes. There is still work to do though. What makes texts like that one so worthwhile is, they can make you see you have not thought of everything yet and forgotten to hold to your own principles here or there.
Of course there are also 1 or 2 points I do not agree on. Most of all the half line you quoted. It reminds me of the second last phrase in Mel Brook's Hitler Rap which goes: "We have ways of making you dance." In my good book that would read, "try to help users get along with the minimum amount of work. But invite them to do something". The tech world is creating enough fears already. With slipping phrases like the one above we senselessly strengthen our own inclination to "code fascism" and even hint nontechnical to users to that. I've seen too many techies making that mistake in the last 20 years.
BTW: The indirection after editing and storing a comment here could be needing a minimum amount of work, if there be time. |
| chris 6886 days AGO I think it's a key sentence and not at all fascist (indeed, I understood it to mean pretty much exactly the same as your Good Book rendition).
The key thing is that (some/lots of) things (tagging in this case) shouldn't be (fully) automated. This little bit of attention, this little bit of thinking improves results dramatically (a hypothesis, of course, but a pretty viable one, in my not particularly humble opinion). |
| chris 6885 days AGO Und demjenigen Herrn, der der wahrlich humblen Kommentarfunktion auf dieser Site den Sinn erst wiederverliehen hat, mache ich es in- und redirektionenmässig natürlich mit Freuden recht. Wie hätten's se denn gern? So wie alle? |
| slauti 6885 days AGO ad 1: still think it's wrong to think: make them do instead of invite them to do. as techies we often tend to take to much responsibility and end with patronizing.
ad 2: edit link, nothing more. |
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