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Sonntag, 22. Juli 2007 Stephen Taylor: The Experience of Being Understood — On requirements specification as a Wittgensteinian language game. Really recommended reading. Also: Feeling Employed Rather resonating reading.Und wann startet Österreich sein Wirwollenaucheingoogleprogramm? Sehr beeindruckend: Die Armada von Köchen, die sich um den THESEUS-Kuchen (nur echt in Uppercase) versammelt hat. Etwas befremdlich: Die Anzahl der Kommentare auf Planet RDF (0), bedenkt man, dass es um den Bau eines "semantischen Werkzeugkastens" für das "Web 3.0" geht."I can has light." — And can has visiturz too!Got myself a Soup.Joe Marshall: 'When I was at Northeastern University I would frequently suggest that people report the logarithms of the benchmarks they ran. I mentioned that a side benefit was that it would make you feel like a "real" engineer. Will Clinger said that a real engineer would be using decibels. I of course immediately converted my latest benchmarks to dB.'
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GET YOUR MOVE ON ALMOST ALL ABOUT YOU So log in, fella — or finally get your account. You always wanted one. Nearby in the temporal dimension: Nobody. ... and 57 of the anonymous kind. Click on for a moderate dose of lcom-talk. This will probably not work in Lynx and other browser exotica. THIS DAY IN HISTORY 2007 / 2004 / 2002 BACKLINKS none RECENT EDITS (MORE) films-seen Blood Stone y!kes wet towel B Studio Pilcrow News Nastassja Kinski 2011-10-06-steve 2011-10-06 comment-2011-08-04-1 POWERED BY &c. GeoURL RSS 0.92 FRIENDLY SHOPS Uncut Games bei Gameware OFFEN! Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG: Christian Langreiter, Langkampfen See also: Privacy policy. |