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Dienstag, 8. April 2008 "Ultimately, [the lifestreaming] race will go to whoever most elegantly allows users to ignore 90% of the data at any given time." [ Ø KTCH • ]On Google App Engine: Seems as if Google was pre-disrupted by Amazon, at least 1½ years ago. On the other hand, the (surprisingly limiting) limits will be lifted eventually (in exchange for cold, hard cash), and the (start-out) focus on Python and Django (!) is cheerworthy; it's an almost Helmatic environment, and one that forces your apps to scale (which is good news iff they fit the model). CGI FTW! Bret Taylor (original AE PM): Experimenting with Google App Engine Now that looks nice, doesn't it? "The next logical question is: would I run a real business on infrastructure that is so different than everyone else's? If I change my mind about App Engine, what are my options? I am hoping a number of open source projects spring up as alternatives to lower the switching costs over the next year." Don MacAskill: "My favorite bit? In theory, Google has solved the data scaling problem. I don't mean raw binary (blob) storage, which [other systems/services] have solved, but the "database" scaling problem. Every popular web app runs into this problem, and it's typically solved with a combination of memcached, federation, and replication. But it's messy." no comments Please log in (you may want to register first) to post comments! |
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