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- Ed Cheadle → FLEX Machine - JOSS: "[...] extreme attention [...] to the end-user - in this respect, it has not been surpassed" - Euler (by Niklaus Wirth): "[...] kind of Lisplike, but without the deeper insights of Lisp." - Doug Engelbart/[create NLS]: "thought vectors in concept space"; "grammar of interaction"/[create TreeMeta]" - [create GRAIL [JOSS]], graphical follow-on to JOSS - "personal dynamic medium", not vehicle (Engelbart) - FLEX, flat-screen, [create Bob Barton]'s comm. talk, GRAIL, McLuhan, Seymour Papert - what's wanted: ease of JOSS/GRAIL/Logo, but power (?) [reach] of Simula and FLEX - "A clear romantic vision has a marvelous ability to focus thought and will." → cardboard model - [create Ned Irons]' [create IMP [Language]], extensible syntax - "Somewhere in all of this, I realized that the bridge to an object-based system could be in terms of each object as a syntax-directed interpreter of messages sent to it. In one fell swoop this would unify object-oriented semantics with the ideal of a completely extensible language." - At Stanford: Carl Hewitt's PLANNER, Pat Winston's concept formation system@@ - next: Xerox PARC - [create Simulation LOGO] (SLOGO) - "[...] didn't believe brainstorming could substitute for cool sustained thought." - "programming should be a matter of ..." - [create Smalltalk-71]: "kind of a parser with object-attachment that executed tokens directly", very influenced by FLEX, PLANNER, Logo, [create META II] - not so interested in programs as algebraic patterns, rather in a clear scheme that could handle a variety of styles - "[...] it was annoying that the surface beauty of LISP was marred by some of its key parts having to be introduced as special forms rather than as its supposed universal building block of functions. The actual beauty of LISP came more from the promise of its metastructure than its actual model." - SmallStar |
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